
by | Oct 29, 2020 | Blog

Automatic air conditioning and ventilation system for climatic comfort in a room

Ventilation is life, it is change. Air renewal in an air-conditioned room means replacing poor quality air for people’s health, and introducing new, clean air, with or without odours, better than the one that was there before. Currently, this is only possible with automatic air-conditioning systems. It is a procedure of great importance that directly affects us, even our behaviour.

Ventilation, climatic comfort and air conditioning systems

Today and always, any air-conditioned environment should be perfectly ventilated. With hygienic air and a quality of oxygen and other gases that benefit our organism. Climate comfort systems have long been able to measure and parameterize air quality. Also, a quantity of bacteria and living organisms that lend us, share and support our health, is necessary.

Good automated air conditioning facilities (with the various techniques offered by the market), always have to have this vital accompaniment as is the renewal of air.

Air renewal

There are two systems to ensure proper air renewal:

  • Traditional system: opening doors and windows for as long as necessary to eliminate the odours caused by people exhaling or sweating. Generally, with opening doors or windows once or twice a few minutes throughout the day, there is enough time to have a healthy environment.
  • Technical system: means to design and install, with the necessary technical material, an automatic air conditioning and ventilation system to produce this air renewal, with a determined flow, air speed and timings.

The amount of air needed for proper and healthy ventilation depends on factors such as: size of the room, activity, number of people, temperature of the room…

Climate Installation and correct ventilation

A good climate installation has to allow a correct ventilation of the whole area, offering the corresponding air renewals for establishing a comfortable stay.

Usually, establishing ambient air comfort levels involves a combination of different essential variables, such as temperature, humidity, air renewal and air speed.

Finally, we must always bear in mind the importance of this beloved fluid, especially when we spend so many hours in the same space.